Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A wonderful suprise!

Today the mailman brought me a special treat. A box containing 2 lovely books I have not read before. But who were they from? No name on the box and no name on the invoice! All that praying to the Book Fairy must have finally paid off!!! Either that or a cute gal from the eastern seaboard sent me a wonderful present! So for the record Coral Mallow=SQUISH!!!!!!!!

Seriously! I am fucking thrilled! Books are some of my favorite things in the whole wide world! I love them! I hoard them! I give them away! I just love books! The idea of a pretty lady sending me unexpected books? HOT!

So take this as a lesson world! Fuck giving me flowers! Find me a good book and I will be a happy camper!

Much love Coral!!! Thank you!!!!

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