Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mistress at the Movies: Green Lantern

So I know it isn't exactly new but I did just see Green Lantern at the second run theater.

I am not a huge DC fanatic. Other than Batman, that is. Superman makes me want to vomit. Wonderwoman is great but has a tendency to be a less cool, less entertaining version of Superman. The Flash....ugh. But I have dug the Green Lantern since I was forced to watch couple of animated flicks. It's an interesting concept for a super hero. I love when stories move beyond the established city and out into the world. And The Green Lantern goes beyond the world into worlds and the entire cosmos. Badass.

The movie looked...well.... bad, IMHO. About the only movies that I will shell out first run prices involve a certain Wizard or a comic book hero. However this one did not inspire me to hit the first run. However as soon as it hit second run we were there with bells on.

I think I might have preferred to go see The Hangover 2.

It wasn't terrible. However it was not good either. Sure Ryan Rynolds gets near naked a fair few times. But he is no Chris Hemsworth. The costume seemed... weird for weirdness sake. Too hokey for me to really swallow. And the story progressed so fast that by the end of it they left the plot wholly unbelievable.

"We can't save the world! We shouldn't even try!"

"Let's try!"


"Shoot! Can't! give it up for dead."

"I'll do it!"

"I did it!"

and the peasants rejoice.

that is my synopsis of this movie. It felt like the Cliffs Notes version of a movie. And by the end you were left sitting there going "Really?"

The CGI was cool. Beautiful and full of depth. But that can only get you so far (Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasis, I am looking at you). The script was LACKING!!!!!! Seriously, I looked for Michael Bay's name.

Overall it made me sad. Because I want DC to step up and do a cohesive theme with movies the way Marvel is doing with the Avengers. Make a kick ass movie for each character, tie them all together andthen hire Joss Whedon to make you a geektastic mental orgasm fest of a collective movie. Why can't DC do that with the Justice League? Let the current Bat die a quiet death. Make a Superman flick (hell I don't care what you make. I'm sure he will be flying and holding onto Lois by the end. Barf). Make a good Wonderwoman movie. NOT LIKE THE CRAP tv show where she';s running around in jeggings and a Target corset. Redo Bats. AND REDO GREEN LANTERN!! THEN... JUSTICE LEAGUE!!!!

Ok rant over. Green Lantern.... catch it on video (once it goes off the new release wall that is).

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