Thursday, August 11, 2011

Facebook is not one of the "F" words I like!

In case you missed it one of the millions of times I have posted it: I HATE FACEBOOK! HATE! The fact of the matter is that if I know you and like you, you probably have my number/email/addy. If you don't, I probably don't want to talk to you. I only got a Facebook account because I was tired of getting those invitations. And I swear every time I log on it makes me hate it more. Nothing better than seeing the people you know and love are not too busy to drink their face off. Just, you know, not with you. Nothing better than logging on to see my 12 year old niece cursing her mouth off and talking all about her sex life. Seriously! Nothing better!

Social Networking was an excellent movie, but it didn't make me like facebook. In fact it may have turned me off to it even more.

1 comment:

PessimisticPrince said...

One thing I hate about Facebook personally is that it's too easy to be a "friend" and not be a friend. If someone is having a rough day, it's easier to say "Aww, I'm really sorry to hear that." and that'd be it. No call to action. Then again, it also gives people more right to complain than they would if it was real life.

It also allows you to learn things about someone that shouldn't be known, as you mentioned earlier. I won't even add family to mine just because I don't really want to know how much bitching my sister does behind my back, or know how many fights my cousin got into last night.

Or course, I have one, because my lack of cellphone means that facebook is the only way I can reliably communicate with friends. So for me, it's a necessary e-vil.