This Sat I had the great opportunity to attend a rope intensive with Lee Harrington. If you have the chance to attend a class or read a book by Lee, do so. His style is effortless and he is a joy to learn from and engage. He approaches his class with a great mixture of humor and info. I learned a ton. Not that my rope knowledge was emmence before the intensive but now I feel much more confident in my ablilities to keep partners in my ropey thrawl. A truly great intensive. Many thanks to the beautiful (and Houdini like) Peach for being a WONDERFUL rope bottom to my rigging attempts. You made a cute ball babe!

After the intensive was a wonderful play party. I was a bit tired so I did not get to do all that I wanted to. But then again when do I get to play with everyone I want to? not often! But I got to give a birthday beating to Miss Honey which was fun. I gave Monkey a bit of a rub and he beat the hell out of my shoulders with his magic koga tools. And on top of that I got to spend a whole lot of time socializing with my kinky family. It was bliss.

Sunday I got to spend even more time with some near and dear to my heart. A truly wonderful weekend. I hope your was just as good!
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