Monday, July 11, 2011

nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh BATMAN!!!!!

Hi all!!!

So I am (almost) COMPLETELY over the terrible bug that I caught in the land of the sun. That is right! Give me 3 weeks and I can kick anythings ass. Mostly.

In any case I was getting on here to write more about the wonderful world of disney but alas, I am not. Why? Because I didn't get a chance to write about something else that happened before my trip.

I refer to my husband's birthday and our anniversary. That is right, I married him on his birthday. Not for me the constant nagging about remembering our anniversary. Try forgetting your birthday! Ha! Plus as I married him in 2000 he just has to figure out what year it is. "How long have we been married? well it's 2011 so 11 years!" I am nothing if not efficient.

We didn't go away to celebrate as we were leaving for Disney World 4 days later. Or perhaps it is better to say we went to Disney to celebrate. But on our actual anniversary we didn't go out. We had no need to.

I marinated a couple of nearly 2" thick steaks for 2 days in a wonderful honey marinade. I made some of Jason's favorite home made mashed potatos and cooked up some elicious butter roasted carrots. It was delicious. Seriously. I almost took a picture for you Master Christopher. ;)

After dinner we watched a movie. I can't remember what it was about but it doesn't really matter because what we were both interested in happened after the movie (when we had sufficently digested).

If you have read my Batman fan fic you know the premise for the role playing adventure I wanted to embark on. If you haven't read it, hurry, do so now. I will wait.....

ok. now that everyone is on the same page so to speak I will continue.

I sent Jason downstairs to get ready. Since I can't afford a full on Batman costume (and Jason has issues with every one that has been portrayed on the screen which would lead to a very unsexy discussion of costuming instead of red hot sex) I put together the essentials. Cape: Check. Cowl: Check. Batman boxer-briefs: Check! And then he had to wait while I slid into my character costume which consisted of a black lingere top under a underbust corset, black boy shorts, thigh high fishnet tights with a garter to hold them up. Of course I had made myself a little mask. I must say that I looked pretty hot. I didn't have a chance to take a pic as I thought it might be ever so slightly distracting.

In any case once I had my costume on I was in full Trxz mode. That was what I decided to name my villan because Trxz is an aspect of myself that releases the creative prankster within. Blame it on the Malkavian Vampire I played for so long of the same name.

We had discussed the role play ahead of time. Not any specifics but mainly the feel of what we wanted. Jason liked the idea of Batman getting caught by Trxz. I liked the idea of Trxz getting caught by Batman. I made the argument that NOONE catches Batman and I won out, but don't dispair for Batman getting caught. Just read on.

After I had everything adjusted I gave him the agreed upon signal that I was ready. This took the form of me dropping a box full of books. The idea being that (as he has a Catwoman fetish) Bats would catch Trxz in the midst of an attempted heist.

So I dropped the box and waited, heart racing. I expected Jason to race up the stairs but nothing happened. All was quiet. Which made me more than a little nervous. So I began creeping around the hall to peek down stairs expecting to see him sneaking back up. Nope. Nothing. For a good 5 minutes I creeped around upstairs with nothing. And then POW! There he was! Out of nowhere he emerged from the shadows. (he had snuck back upstairs almost immediatly and had hidden himself in my closet so as to have the real suprise aspect!)

He pushed me up against our hall wall and frisked me. I was a little take a back. Seriously, he appeared out of NO WHERE!!!!! But I recovered myself quickly enough and began telling Bats how glad I was that he was there and proved it by leaning my body into his. He handled me a little roughly as he batcuffed my hands behind my back. Without a word he walked me into the bedroom and sat me on the bed.

At this point I began taunting him and teasing him. "What are you going to do Batman? Turn me over? What's the fun in that!" sliding my foot up his thigh. He smacked my foot away. Our came his Batphone (for serious yo, I had a friend on standby to serve as the Gotham City Police) and he called me in. Gotham PD told him that they were hugely busy at the moment and would dispatch officers as soon as they could but could he hold me until they could arrive?

Agreeing he turned back to me. I had been attempting while he was distracted to sneak off the bed. But with my arms cuffed behind my back I was none too graceful. Batman put me down easily. Oweing to our position on the bed he had to hold me down with his body and I took full advantage by grinding against him.

That's when he hit me with Batman's best line EVER! "Quiet or papa spank!" (seriously! Catwoman's first appearance. HOT!)

Of course I had no alternative but to SCREAM!!!!

And true to his word over I went and got spanked nice and hard. Of course that wasn't the only thing hard at that point. Once he spanked me properly I gave a little moan of contetment and then all bets were off. All bets and clothes. He damn near ripped my corset off of me, did rip my shirt and bent the bra I was wearing to the point that I can't wear it anymore. He released my cuffs (as the clothes weren't coming off any other way) and we were clawing at one another in frantic abandon.




So good that I didn't want it to be over. So the next day I planned a little suprise. After dinner he took a shower. I put on a little sexy black number. Nothing as ornate as the night before but enough to get the same idea. He came back in and laid down. I kissed him deeply and slid his hands into the rope cuffs I had prepared and hidden. He struggled. I won. So arms and legs secured to our 4 poster bed I popped on my mask.

"So I finally have the Batman at my mercy!"

I spent the next 2 hours teasing and tormenting him. I pinched, poked, rubbed, licked and kissed every inch of his body. I teased his cock with ice and my mouth. Fire and ice. I made him BEG me to fuck him. Which I did! He came far too quickly once I slid him inside me and rode him. So I released his arms and made him eat me out till I came came came!




SO that is how I spent my anniversary. In Batman world. I am sure the next installment of fanfic will follow.

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