Saturday, July 16, 2011

We're muggles... really!

We went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 last night! It was amazing!!!! If you haven't seen it, GO!!! Seriously! What are you waiting for? GOOOO!!! NOW!!!!

I will hold off on reviewing the movie to allow folks a chance to see it. But oh goodness it was good! You know that one part at the end that you really really wanted them to show? They did. Oh yeah!

In keeping with our geekdom tradition we dressed up for the show. The fam was all for just wearing cloaks and brinign our wands. Blah, I say! Everyone does that! So instead I convinced them to do what I have been wanting to for the past several releases. We went as Wizards dressed like muggles. For those of you who haven't read the books (FOR SHAME!!!) wizards haven't really gotten the knack for dressing like muggles and end up wearing rediculous outfits. The concept makes me laugh and laugh. :) Plus it would only be obvious to those who had read the books. Win-win!

We had a great time (even if Jason did feel rediculous). We even had people get their pictures with us and when the movie was over a couple came up and told Jason that a subscription to GQ would go a long way towards helping us blend with the muggles. They got it! They loved it! And they told us that most of the theater was talking about us! Wohoo!! We won the movie!

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