Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Today I was out and about putting the last minute touches on my holiday prep. I stopped by Hobby Lobby to pick up some Chicago Bears duct tape for my father-in-law. I had printed a few 40% off coupons off from the website. I only needed 1 but I like to give them out in line. Today I gave one to the gentleman in front of me who was buying a badass Batman rail car set for his kids. The set was $150 and therefore saved $60. We chatted as the line was moving at a glacial speed and he told me thank you several times. He said he had not experienced a single act of kindness this holiday season and he was so glad to see kindness wasn't dead. I accepted his thanks and assured him it was no big deal. At that point the line split into 2 and we hit separate counters. After making our purchase we ended up walking out together. We both stopped at the Salvation Army bell ringer. I tossed in the change left over from my purchase. I was floored to see that he put in 3 $20 bills. The $60 he saved with the coupon. He winked and said "one good turn deserves another." We wished each other happy holidays with large smiles and parted ways. I won't ever see this man again but today we experienced a wonderful moment that I will carry with me this whole holiday season and beyond.

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