Saturday, September 24, 2011

I just got home from my father's company picnic. I was not enthused to be going (ya! Hundreds of strangers!) but I am pleased to say that I had an excellent time. My kid rode a mechanical bull for the first (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc) time. A feat I have never done but always wanted to. I am self aware enough to know I would end up breaking something so I confine my riding to cocks and cars. But it's something I've always wanted todo. I was glad my kid got to. It was also way out of her comfort zone so I am also mega proud. She also conquered(or nearly at least) the rock wall. She was afraid but she tried. And when she didn't get far the first time and sat, shaking on the ground she asked me if she could go again. She never quite made the top but she tried hard and pushed herself harder than I ever would have. Proud mama!

I played a few hours of bingo which wasn't nearly as terrible as it sounds. Even won a couple of $50 prizes!

My enjoyment of the day was capped off by the boy who flirted unabashedly with me. In reality he must have been an adult or at least 18 to be working the event but he looked waaaay young to me. Baby faced and quite frankly adorable. This is the guy in high school who ALL of your friends were interested in. You know the one who looked like he simotaniously climbed off a surf board and out of an Abercrombie and Fitch ad. And boy did he flirt! Started out by telling me there was no way I could have a daughter my kid's age! Cheesy as all get out but silly smooth delivery. My kid and I wander off but every time we wandered back h engaged me. Gave me not only 1 free prize, he gave me a box full! And told me that he didn't care if he lost his job over it. It was worth it just to see me smile. Delivered like a pro! His only regret was that he couldnt see my eyes (I was wearing sunglasses)! So he was just adorable. Yes it was just carney banter, he'll I've worked enough festivals to know flirting spices up the day,and yes it was toward the end of th event and he may have just been looking to unload his extra prizes.... But then again maybe I AM just that fantastic. I think I choose option B!

Hope your weekend is as suprisingly awesome as mine!

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