Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Big weekend

Wow! I can not believe how busy I was this weekend! Wow!

Sat I went to the Tiffin Flea Market. As Flea Markets go this is the one to hit. It takes up the entire county fair ground. Hundreds of vendors in one place. Yes, please! I always find a few wonderous things. Know my fire kit? Got that there! This year I picked up a few treasures.

Sunday I met an applicant for a foot slave. He treated me out to lunch and then came back to my place for training. 2 hours later he had a working knowledge of how to give a pedicure Lana-style. Not bad at all though his confidence needs some work. But that is being accomplished by pedi-homework. I made him paint my toenails twice for practice and am still wearing the second paintjob. Not bad at all.
First paint job
Final paint job

Monday I took the family (sans Jason who sadly had to work) down to the Renaissance festival. My lady love joined us for her maiden trip to the fest. A good time was had by all. Sadly I didn't get to see either of the shows that I wanted to (Mud Show and the Fairie Tales) but I still had a lovely time. Saw the Pirates how and an amazing new bell show that was...well....amazing. Our knight won the joust and looked damn good doing it.

By the end of the weekend I fell into bed and slept till 11 Tuesday. Then got up and finished my last costume for COPE! WOHOO!!

Now I get to look ahead to COPE this weekend!

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