Sunday, May 1, 2011

I heart Her Royal Highness Princess William Arthur Philip Louis, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus

What did you do this weekend? Well if you were at all like me I spent Friday "attending" a wedding and then the rest of the weekend taking my own private honeymoon.

Friday was of course, the Royal Wedding of Prince William to his lady love Kate. Now I didn't wake up first thing in the morning. No, I'm not a morning person. I am definitely not a 5AM person. So instead I recorded the wedding and then spent the day avoiding all news so the surprises of the wedding would not be ruined. At 6 I went to my moms where a small group of us gathered. I made 7 different types of home made pizza and then we ate as the wedding party assembled. Once Prince William arrived on the scene we popped the cork on some bubbly. After sharing a glass with those assembled Jason and I then split the rest of the magnum. Perhaps split is the wrong word because trust me it wasn't anything like 50/50. But the important part was I got rather tipsy (read: drunk) on strawberries and champagne while watching a real live fairy tale wedding! A wonderful night was had by all! And my daughter got the chance to see me a little sauced and has come to the conclusion that she doesn't' want to ever act that silly so she won't be drinking. Win, Win!

The rest of the weekend was spent relatively on my own. I went to my kid's soccer game Sat morning and then she decided to go to grandma and grandpas to spend the night. So I was sans child. The hubby worked so I was flying solo. So I spent some time writing, some time reading, and some time watching my shiny new copy of Deadwood Season 1. I may have masturbated a few times, but what else is new?

It was a good weekend!


PessimisticPrince said...

The funny thing is that is why I don't drink either. A while ago, not to long after my graduation, I went out with friends to a party. My friends got drunk, starting acting stupid and were admitting things they never should admit. Even with the few drinks I had, I had little to no patience and I was extremely negative and cynical.

So, since that day, I decided that I wasn't going to drink again. I understand that you can be responsible with it, but I figure that no alcohol is better than some alcohol in my case.

Trxz said...

your call, but I would say that may have been more a "company" issue than perhaps an "alcohol" issue. but hey. Sobriety is good too.. in it's own way.