Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Smut... Inquisition dream

So I had a dream last night.

I woke up with a start. At first I thought I was laying in my bed. It took me a few minutes to realize that I was actually on a much harder surface. What is more, my arms were outstretched and secured over my head. I tried to sit up and found that I couldn't as my legs were also secured. At which point I started to get nervous. What was I doing there? Why was I in this situation? Out of my peripheral vision a figure moved. I tried to turn to see who it was but I was too well secured to the table. I could only see my arm and directly above me, which was completely black. I heard the person moving beside me, rattling something that, from the sound of it, was laying on another table. I started breathing really hard. Eventually the figure moved into my vision and I saw that it was a priest. All black with the collar. He begins to anoint my forehead with water and oil and pressed a crucifix into my lips. I was so confused that I did not react.

At this point another figure began moving. this one I could not see at all but I got the impression that the person was there to assist the priest.

Again they move out of my range of vision and I wonder again what in the hell is going on! but I can not speak.

The priest moves back into my field of vision. This time he leans over me and begins asking me questions that weren't really questions, but statements. "You have had congress with the beast!" "You are a witch." "You piss on the bible." "you corrupt the crucifix within your body".

WHAT? Hold on! I mean I know that I love the blasphemy but I have never masturbated with a crucifix! I tried to tell them this but again I couldn't speak.

The priest continued..."You are unholy and seek to make abominations of all of god's children."

I tried to scream no, but again no voice. It occurred to me that I might be gagged but I was not able to find out. I just knew I could not use my mouth.

Ah this point the priest turns to his assistant and says to prepare to rack the prisoner.

a few moments of ringing silence and then the sound of a wooden joint moving. And the pressure in my arms and legs increased as they were pulled away from my torso. I tried to scream.

And then... I woke up.

This may sound like a scary dream but it was hot. I woke up with my thighs soaked. I might end up trying to do this one at some point. I would love to be interrogated by the inquisition when I know full well that my life is not on the line.

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