Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Winter Wickedness Report
A couple of weekends past I was privileged to work and attend Winter Wickedness 2013. If you have never been to one of AIS’ events then you are just plain missing out. We throw one hell of a party!
I am very lucky to be a member of the AIS staff. One of my responsibilities is to host and facilitate the Friday night Meet-N-Greet social and game. Every year I try to come up with something fun and fitting with the theme. This year our theme was “Fantasies and Fairytales”. I put together a version of the “What am I?” game called “Who am I? Fairytale edition”. Basically you have a card with a fairytale character taped onto your back. You then go around to folks and ask questions until you can guess who you “are”. It was a LOT of fun! But really it was just an opportunity for me to show off the costume I have been working on for a month. (Ok, so not really but it’s nice when things work out!) When I first heard the theme my mind did not turn toward Cinderella or Snow White or any of the other heroines from the Fairytales of my youth. Instead it drifted to the villains of Fairytales. I should say The Villain. For me there is only one villain. Ursula. Sure I love Maleficent. I mean she turns into a dragon for fucks sake! How cool is that? But as cool as she is Ursula was the one I dreamed about being since I was a kid. Sure she is evil and will get her way but she does it in a way that there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it! Plus she is distinctly funny (a trait Maleficent is quite deficient in). All in all, I identify with Ursula. I have wanted to make a costume for the character ever since I learned to sew. I never did because I didn’t have a reason to. Enter WW’13 when my husband told me basically to put up or shut up. So I did.
With the exception of the wedding dress my grandmother made me, I have never loved any costume or clothing piece I have ever put on the way I love this costume. It turned out almost exactly as I had imagined. I had a wig crisis, followed by a temporary hair dye crisis which forced me to abandon the white hair but in the end I don’t think it mattered one jot. I looked FANTASTIC!!! This picture just doesn’t do it justice (in my not so humble opinion) but plans are already in the works for a photo shoot so I can show off the awesomeness that is my costume. New Fetlife profile pic here I come!
Focus Lana! This post is about WW not your AMAZING costume! Eek! Sorry self!
Friday night I did something I haven’t done since waaaaaay back at the beginning of my public scene life. I didn’t play. I was surprised that my energy bottomed out on me. Not in the bad way! It was just a combination of lack of sleep and a truly heavy costume. Those tentacles aren’t exactly heavy in and of themselves but they aren’t light either. And there are 8 of them. Between the steel boned corset and the tentacles I couldn’t sit down so I was on my feet for over 4 hours straight. It took a lot out of me. But not in any kind of bad way, like I said. In fact it turned out to be decidedly good. I sat around with some of my kinky friends and family and talked and joked and laughed and had a generally good time. Sure I could have pushed myself and scened at least a bit that night but sitting and talking with all those lovely ladies and gentlemen helped me recharge my batteries. And I have been around the scene long enough to know the first person you have to take care of is yourself. So my Friday night was completely different than I had planned but it turned out to be a wonderful experience.
Speaking of different experiences my husband actually made a couple of play dates! As you probably know if you are at all familiar with me, my husband is rather shy when it comes to being out and about. Last year he made the decision that this was something he wanted to change. So he has been saying YES when I invite him to events. He has also accompanied me to the past 3 AIS conventions. However he has not played before. He was just too shy. He wouldn’t even let me set him on fire for goodness sake! However last convention he was forced a bit further out of his shell as I taught my Pedicure class and he was an active part of that, giving foot rubs to various people in the class. Unfortunately because he only believes in doing something properly he didn’t get a chance to get to everyone he would have liked to. That experience loosened him up and really made him see that he could do things he was comfortable with and still “scene”. So this WW he made a few dates (through me) to give some wonderful ladies foot rubs. And from what I gathered both he and his foot rub-ees had a really good time.
Sat dawned bright and early as Peach and I did our morning ritual of swimming. The water is always cold as a witch’s tit but the water helps get our joints moving and soothes aching muscles. Plus there was a FANTASTIC buffet of yummy yummy muffins to choose from on our way back to the room. Where I took a shower and fell right back to sleep. I missed the first class of the day that I had hoped to attend: Master So’N’So Kama Sutra Kink, alas, but I did wake up with enough time for me and the hubby to bust ass down to Sheryn B’s Know Better: Competent Consensual Kink.
I could probably do a whole journal entry on that class. It was one of the best classes I have attended. Although class may not be the appropriate word. Discussion is better suited to the experience. The discussion centered on personal responsibility and the role it plays in consent. It was one of the few times I wish I had internet tools available in real life because I wanted to be able to say: THIS!!!!!!! AIS provided copies of The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker to be given out and I snatched mine up. (I have only begun to read it but so far it is absolutely astounding. I find I have to slow myself way down while reading it so I can fully digest what is on the page. But that is another post for another day.) After class I ended up in a discussion about the topic that lasted for well over another hour.
I wanted to attend several other classes however my husband and I retreated to our room and….well…you know. After fulfilling our baser instincts my husband went off to dinner with the lovely Peach and co while I hosted the Queer Friendly Gathering/Meet-N-Greet. I don’t think we have ever had THAT good of a turn out! Amidst all the chatting and laughing we came up with a plan of action for some fabulous fun to come! No, I won’t tell you exactly what it is. Right now I am keeping it under my (and everyone who was there) hat. But trust that you will find out about it in due time. Mwahahaa!
Sat night I was rested, relaxed and ready to hit the ground running. I got into the Warm and Wet room about an hour after opening and didn’t leave it again until it was 20 minutes till close. I didn’t do nearly as many scenes as I would have liked but those that I did were absolutely amazing! And what is more for 2 of those scenes my husband joined me! He co-Topped with me, adding a lovely new element to the sensation play I dig so much. And judging by the reactions we got my play partners enjoyed it too! Afterward when we were snuggled up in bed he tentatively asked me if I would consider letting him help me again. I could only kiss him and say YES! A thousand times yes! I loved being able to look down and see him working some of that magic he has in his hands. We know each other so well that he could read the cues I was giving him so he could follow my lead in a way that looked effortless. I was and am so proud of him for stepping outside of his comfort zone and exploring with me. I have been waiting for this day for 5 years!
Sunday came too early but all good things must end. Fortunately for me it isn’t really an ending. Just hitting pause. Because I know that I will see all these wonderful people again soon and we will all bask in the fabulous energy we create together! And speaking of fabulous energy… The staff dinner was amazing! So much food! So many cuddles! Happy, Happy Lana!
Many thanks to those lovely ladies who allowed me access to their gorgeous bodies! I love watching you squirm and hearing you moan and in some cases pant! I loved shooting fire balls at you and watching the fire trail across your skin! I loved the unsteady way you climbed off the table and the hugs where you melted into me! I love that my husband had to put on gloves to clean up because a couple of you left happy puddles on the table! I just love ya!
Many thanks to those 2 beautiful gals who let my husband get his feet wet! He is grateful and excited by this bold step forward and will most definitely be bugging you for another chance.
Special thanks to the magnificent DreaminEyes for the amazingly generous gift! I can’t wait to wear it out! I’d say similar about the chocolate but I have already killed that!
That being said….is it COPE yet?
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