Tuesday, September 18, 2012
COPE Report
Gather round kiddies and I will tell you the tale of COPE 2012!
So I have just emerged from my post COPE coma. Honestly I could use another week in bed but that just means that I did something right!
The first thing I did right this time was to bring my husband with me. This was his first event where he really participated. And boy did he love it! Which made me more than a little bit happy!
Here's the scoop.
If you haven't been to COPE or WW (and why exactly haven't you?) then you wouldn't be aware that there is a Friday night theme. If you have been then you know what I am talking about. These themes range all over the place but I was thrilled to find out that this year's theme was "Steampunk". After a bit of agnoizing I put together a couple of outfits that looked pretty darn good (if I do say so myself!). Whatchathink?
This is me in my Steampunk finery. Many thanks to THE Coral Mallow for sending me the gorgeous necklace!
And this is the husband looking DAMN GOOD as a Steampunk sheriff.
I worked pretty hard on our hats. This is mine. The Dread Pirate coined the term Steampimp and I think that I was looking rather Steampimp with my ostrich feather!
And this is the sheriff star that I made with my own two little hands for Jason's Steampunk cowboy look. Not too bad!
I had such a blast at the Meet-N-Greet where I learned new terms, such as: "Steam Bustle: An Early Sibian" and "Anal Engineer Massager: One who eases the way". I may never leave home without my "Chastity Ray-Gun: Weapon of ultimate torture" and I laughed myself silly at "Anal Steam: Oh Doctor. The enema might have been a little too hot!"
I ended up turning in early so I didn't get to play with everyone I wanted to, however I did get to set some lovelies aflame. Which always makes me happy!
The next day I TAUGHT my first class at a major convention! Together with my partner in crime, Peach, we presented "Let me touch your sole: Pedicures for service and pleasure". I was a bit nervous as I have only presented at smaller group gatherings before but my nervousness was baseless. The class went better than I could have imagined. I got nothing but positive feedback. It left me with quite the lovely glow. And my hubby made a name fo himself by giving foot rubs during the class. I think he may have made a few friends for life!
I got to atten only one other class due to time concerns but what a class it was. Julian Wolf's Role Playing class was amazing! And I got to fan my crush a bit! :)
I got to scene a bit with a few friends. SO much fun! More fire,sensual scenes and a massage or two! Many thanks to all my friends for the amazing scenes! I heart you all!
In the end the weekend was over too quickly. I had an amazing time! And my husband had a lot of fun. He now is way less intimiadated than he was to begin with. I might even convince him to play outside the hotel room next time! Fingers crossed!
Is it really 6 months till Winter Wickedness?
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