Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sooo hot in Cleveland!

Hola mi amigos y amigas y otros! 2 years of High School Spanish for you ladies and gentlemen! Being an exceedingly polite person I will ask how your weekend was before we get to mine. Do you do anything fun? Really? Oh no! Uh-huh. Ok. Enough about you. Let’s focus on me! Because I had a very full weekend indeed! It all started when I took my husband to the local Family Video to rent all the movies for the Avengers Movie Marathon he and my daughter were planning. Iron Man 1 and 2, Thor, Captain America, and The Hulk. However he asked me to help him look around the “back room”. Sure, why not? And what to my wondering eye should appear but a parody porn of Batman.
YES, PLEASE! So I grabbed that up and ran home to pop it in. So….freaking…..good!!! I mean creepy as all get out at times but totally worth every penny. I may have to buy it even.
So having obtained my husbands virtual babysitters I jumped in the car and peeled out of there. As all fans of margaritas know this weekend was Cinco de Mayo and how better to celebrate that to head up to S.M.A.R.T.’s Kinko de Mayo! I have never had the pleasure of attending Kinko before so I was eagerly anticipating exploring what Cleveland has to offer. And it has quite a bit. As if you didn’t know already! The S.M.A.R.T. staff and volunteers created a very welcoming environment which quickly puts you at ease. Which is saying something concidering I missed the turnoff by a good 100 streets. Talk about frazzled! However once in the energy I had a good time. Got to do some fire topping for THE Coral Mallow (heehee) which was hot in so many ways. And afterwards I had not one person ask to give it a try. I felt a little bad about that until my ever-so-smart husband pointed out that I had to leave almost immediately afterward. Family emergency So back in the car. 2 hours back home. A restless night. However the next day all was revealed to be alright and the world spun on. I ended up getting to coach my kid’s soccer game which was fortunate as Jason went into hyper aggressive coach mode. I had to pull him and make him take a lap. But my kids won! After that and lunch with the fam I left Jason with several hundred dollars to buy a new PS3 and off I headed back north. (What? Didn’t I tell you ours died? Oh yeah. Went toe up right in the middle of my husband and daughter’s Avengers movie marathon. Yeah, we geek out like that.) 2 more hours and a frightening moment on a bridge when a cop pulled sideways cutting off traffic from entering the southbound lane of the bridge and I was baaacccckk! Missed a couple of classes but was able to spend some truly glorious time by the river in a marvelous little patch of sunlight with Coral. Yay! Then in for a very interesting class on primal play and elemental play. After that I went out and had some amazing dinner with some terrible folks…wait…strike that…reverse it…thank you… I had some terrible dinner with some amazing folks but it was fodder for much laughter and in the end Coral had Godiva chocolate so no one got hurt.  I did make some new friends whom I hope I have the opportunity to hang out with oddles more. I even got to play for a minute before I had to head back home.
Sunday I could have happily stayed in bed and slept all the doo dah day however there were other responsibilities which called to me. A quick sermon and then the remaining Avengers movies left: Thor and The Hulk. Then at 1:30 we piled in the car, ponied up the cash and went to see The Avengers. I have never been so happy to give someone my money. I really and truly wish there was a tip jar for the director because I would have dropped some in. Joss Whedon, I just love you. I want to say more, but I daren’t ruin a single moment of the film for anyone else. If you have seen it, you understand. If you haven’t, what the hell are you doing reading this. GO! Watch! I will wait………. …..la…laa….la…laaaa…… …..Ok, you’re back? RIGHT?!?! Comic book come to life? SOOOO good! I hit the sheets Sunday night like a ton of bricks.

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